Wednesday, September 26, 2018

तुम!!! खुद को कम मत आँको,
खुद पर गर्व करो।

क्योंकि तुम हो तो
थाली में गर्म रोटी है।

ममता की ठंडक है,
प्यार की ऊष्मा है।

तुमसे, घर में संझा बाती है
घर घर है।

घर लौटने की इच्छा है...

क्या बना है रसोई में
आज झांककर देखने की चाहत है।

तुमसे, पूजा की थाली है,
रिश्तों के अनुबंध हैं
पड़ोसी से संबंध हैं।

घर की घड़ी तुम हो,
सोना जागना खाना सब तुमसे है।

त्योहार होंगे तुम बिन??
तुम्हीं हो दीवाली का दीपक,
होली के सारे रंग,
विजय की लक्ष्मी,
रक्षा का सूत्र! हो तुम।

इंतजार में घर का खुला दरवाजा हो,
रोशनी की खिडक़ी हो
ममता का आकाश तुम ही हो।

समंदर हो तुम प्यार का,
तुम क्या हो...
खुद को जानो!

उन्हें बताओ जो तुम्हें जानते नहीं,
कहते हैं..
तुम करती क्या हो??!!!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Meeting Him After Months❤️❤️❤️

Since the day of the confirmation leave you start counting days and add an extra plan to your to-do-list every second day. The wait which had prevailed for months seem longer in those final moments as you can't wait more to see him right in front of your eyes. But let me remind you, the more you become restless, the more time expands as you keep having a look at your watch every passing second.

As the long wait finally comes to end, all your complaints, allegations and anger vanish. It's the helplessness while being apart, that keeps triggering your mood. The moment you're assured that he's going to be with you for couple of days or a month (if luckier), you forget every little fight and argument which might have taken place while he was away.

From buying stuffs from him to preparing his favourite dishes; from making a list of all the movies which you skipped watching as he also couldn't watch them to download them so that you can watch them together; you don't leave a single stone upturned to assure that everything is pretty perfect.

Knowing that his flight will reach around 1700 hours or so, yet waiting since 1600 hours just in case if miracle happens and he comes early. Everything around you turns as magical as spring after a long winter.

And the moment he comes out with a big smile of face your world stops at that one glance.

Meeting hims after months make magic happens.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

मुझको ढूंढ ही लेती है रोज एक नए बहाने से..

तेरी याद वाकिफ हो गई है मेरे हर ठिकाने से...!!!